Step-By-Step Guidance On 2021 Content Marketing

The world today is changing! From innovation to strategy to marketing, everything is going through an alteration. That what used to be a prominent idea before, today it’s at the verge of being obsolete. Let’s take content marketing as an example.

Content Marketing Statistics: Figures Are Facts

Statistics can better explain something that’s not yet clear to the mass as you all know numbers speak. These stats prove the effectiveness of content marketing as a powerful approach for growing online visibility.

  • ·      A digital marketing company in India can generate 97% more backlinks through content marketing
  • ·       You can find 434% more indexed pages on search engines
  • ·       The web traffic increases by 55% if proper content marketing strategy is implemented
  • ·       Effective content marketing can produce 5 times more leads
  • ·       Also, a well-developed content marketing strategy is 13 times more likely to generate ROI
  • ·       And lastly, content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing

Information source

Get Here A Perfect Content Marketing Strategy

Step-By-Step Guidance On 2021 Content Marketing

Planning is the basis of a successful marketing - it has been proved over and over again. The same notion also applies when it comes to content marketing. Find here an effective strategy that can give your content marketing plan a competitive edge.

1.    Revise and modify your existing content

You may not know that there are almost 2 billion websites and 70 million blog posts go live each month. Naturally, there are unfathomable amount of information for your audience to click on.

 In such circumstance, why do you think people will read your content?

 They will only if your content shares some great information and works for the audience. In order to assure that, any digital marketing company in Kolkata suggests auditing your existing set of content and modifying them to get the best result.

2.    Let the content meet the goals

To keep your goals clear, ensure that every content piece builds toward meeting those goals and organizes them in a hierarchical fashion. Long-term strategic goals should take precedence over specific operational goals in your plan.

While you may be more comfortable with traditional goal-setting framework, SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound), any renowned digital marketing company in India advices to make a shift toward CLEAR in this fast-changing environment.


o   Collaborative: your goals encourage teamwork.

o   Limited: they are limited in scope and duration.

o   Emotional: they inspire and motivate your team.

o   Appreciable: they are broken down into smaller micro-objectives.

o   Refinable: they can be redefined according to circumstances and needs.

Make your goals collaborative and transparent, and measure them with a progress indicator of 0-100%

3.    Develop an editorial plan

Planning your content allows you to allocate your resources appropriately, and to see which workflows are taking longer than expected, and adjust your expectations accordingly.

o   Prioritize your actions

o   Find relevant topics

o   Use an editorial calendar to organize your work

These three aspects play a vital role in content marketing.

4.    Plan content production

Before starting the content creation process, think about the purpose of each piece you want to create. Make sure that your content covers every part of the customer journey to support your prospects at each stage.

o   Awareness stage

o   Consideration stage

o   Decision stage

o   Retention stage

o   Advocacy stage

According to each and every well-known digitalmarketing company in Kolkata and elsewhere, there are a few more things to keep in mind while setting the content production plan. Here you go -

o   Diversify your content

o   Create SEO-friendly content

o   Repurpose your content

o   Take full advantage of user-generated content

5.    Set a perfect content distribution plan

Owned media development is one of the core elements of content marketing. Earned media and paid media also represent essential elements of a content distribution strategy. Check out how owned, earned, and paid media can work together -

o   Create an integrated Omnichannel experience

o   Identify the most relevant channels (Pinterest, Instagra, Snapchat, etc.)

o   Automate social media posting

Last & final

When the entire strategy is made and you have posted the content in specific platforms, get ready to analyze your content performance. In a while, your audience will give you clear signals about what attracts their interest the most, making it easier for you to come up with new content that intrigues them.


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