8 Types of Programming Language Going into 2020

A program is a written language that is human-readable. It may contain words, phrases, etc. which the machine does not understand. For the source code to be understood by the machines, it requires to be in a language understood by machines, naturally a machine-level language. App Development Company in Kolkata knows the development of custom native apps by using the top programming languages.

Best 8 Programming Languages Going into 2020:-


Typescript is a kind of JavaScript that meet the terms with plain JavaScript. It adds optional types to JavaScript that support tools for important JavaScript applications for any browser in any OS. It significantly improves the code editing knowledge. It is identified as an object-oriented programming language.


Swift is getting more appeal among the younger coders. With swift UI, developers can create UI features with a simple and expressive syntax. There is no need for plenty of coding, you can build apps with very little coding by hiring app development service in Kolkata. It makes swift popular among developers. It makes easier to write and understand code.

Objective – C:

Objective-C is an object-oriented programming language. It is used for all-purpose. While it is not exact to any specific system or platform, it can significantly assist in developing a range of other frameworks. It is one of the chief programming languages used by Apple for the iOS system.


R is a programming language for graphics pictures and arithmetical study. R was made by Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and is now developed by the R Development Core Team. R is not entrusted by education, but numerous big enterprises also use the R programming language.

C/C++ :

C & C++ are computer programming languages that are used to write programs to connect with computer. C is a computer programming language developed at Bell Lab in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie. The C++ computer programming language was developed by Bjarne Strostroup in 1980.


PHP is the hottest language to make progressive business websites, databases, and ecommerce. PHP can be simply fixed in HTML files and HTML codes can also be written in a PHP file. Without PHP Google, Yahoo, Facebook would not have existed. It has become gradually powerful and fast over the years among the best android app development companies in Kolkata.

C# :

C# is the most regularly used language for the .NET framework. C# is pronounced as ‘C – Sharp’. It is an object-oriented programming language delivered by Microsoft. With the assistance of C# programming language, we can develop diverse categories of protected applications such as database applications, web service applications, web applications, and window applications.


JavaScript consists of a series of instructions that a computer can run step by step or may even use different parts of the script depending on the user’s interaction or the situation with the webpage. JavaScript framework adds structure to your code. These techniques help speed up your workflow though it depends on the cost of android app development in Kolkata.

Final Takeaway:

All languages are shaped for definite purposes and are adapted to meet requirements. Every programming language comes with a set of benefits.


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